- Block font in only one colour. This font is very formal and is often used in games.
The white shows maturity and would also stand out most among the vibrant
colours of the games they show
- - Stories laid out in categories
- - More topics on the front than most magazines to
attract a wider audience through a more varied range of topics
- - 4 colours overall. Each colour is extremely
contrasting compared to the others
- - Website name and price above barcode
- - Hooks highlighted in red
Features guides
Font colours don’t match the image colours
unlike most entertainment magazines
Instead of the headlines being vague yet formal,
they’re used as non-informative hooks
It is clear its audience is male due to the
darker colours and topics
- Bold colours that complement each other whilst
contrasting to the image
- Only one main story
- Very vague stories at the top
- Unusual layout with fonts in various sizes and places